This is an Archival Record of the Fifth Jazzfest
Has been another great success!
With the New England Conservatory Jazz Honors Ensemble 2016, the 17-piece Keene Jazz Orchestra, Maple Jam (eight a capella voices), and Interplay Jazz
PLUS the annual all-star jam organized by Billy Rosen AND a dance party with Carlos Ocasio & Frydaddy.
Between sets Jody Henderson’s Woodstock High School and Middle School JazzFunk Bands.
Freddie Bryant, whom guitar great Kenny Burrell describes as “a brilliant young guitarist and composer,” has toured in over 50 countries and collaborated with a staggering array of musicians, including African singer Salif Keita, klezmer virtuoso Maestro Giora Feldman, and jazz trumpeter Tom Harrell. He is also in demand among Brazilian musicians because of his intimate knowledge of Brazilian guitar. He has a Master’s degree in classical guitar from the Yale School of Music, currently teaches at the Berklee School of Music in Boston and the Prins Claus Conservatory in Holland, and was a Copeland Fellow at Amherst College.
Armen Donelian, the classically-trained pianist, composer, and bandleader, has played with some of the greats of the jazz world, including Lionel Hampton, Mongo Santamaria, Chet Baker, and saxophone giant Sonny Rollins. He toured extensively throughout the world with Essence and the Billy Harper Quintet before going solo and then forming his own acclaimed trio. With over 100 compositions and 13 albums to his credit, his influences range from his Armenian roots to classical, jazz, Latin, and Middle Eastern tonalities. He has taught in New York for over 30 years and wrote the seminal book Training the Ear. He is a Fulbright Senior Scholar and an NEA Jazz Fellow.
Photos of 2015 JazzFest:

Directions 1-91 to exit 9; Route 5 North; 1 mile to library entrance on left

2014 Interview on WNCK, New London: Peter Concilio and David Cooper Interview
The Valley News introduced the JazzFest in an article in 2012; a PDF is here.