Other Program/Event Funding

Please watch for an acknowledgement of your submission. If you don’t get an email back within a day or so, email

You can also download the Other Program/Event Funding form as a pdf.

    Hartland Community Arts supports the production of shows and music scholarships, but we also can provide funding for a range of projects and experiences. 

    Request should be submitted at least two months in advance of the event date.

    Contact Person

    Name (required): 

    Email (required)

    Address (required)

    Phone (required)

    Please write a brief description of your project, and how Hartland Community Arts can help you with it. Remember that we are a community based organization, with a primary focus on promoting the arts in the town of Hartland, Vermont. See our mission statement for more detail on our purpose.

    How does your program fit with HCA mission

    If this is a school program, how many students will it benefit?

    Please provide a budget with sources of funding.

    Could this program/project proceed without HCA funding?

    How does the HCA contribution directly enhance the experience of Hartland youth or the community in general?

    Please add any other details about your project/program that you think might help us make a favorable decision: